Showing posts with label kids eat for free. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kids eat for free. Show all posts

Friday, July 11, 2014

Steamboat buffet and BBQ where kids eat for free

I am sure you want to know if where kids can eat for free. Kids age 8 year old and below gets to dine in for free, but I am sure adult need to companion with them to eat. I love the idea of kids eat for free, I mean you know it, they are just kids how much can they eat right?

Buffet is what everyone likes because we get go eat none stop, well I am sure we know when to stop eating. If you are attracted to delicious food, I am sure you'll like to go for more.

If can be either you are fan of vegetables or meat, they have many choices there to eat. They have ice cream, ice cream potong, waffle, and corns in cup which DIY yourself. Yummy...

They have beef rendang, chicken rendang, nasi pulut sumbat, chicken wing flavour of coke, and so on.

Check out my blog post on Pak John Steamboat & BBQ, click on the post to read on.

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