Showing posts with label iPod Nano. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iPod Nano. Show all posts

Monday, April 27, 2009

Win $500 Cash and iPod Nano

I am thinking of what to buy for my mom for Mother's day, I know I do not have the money to buy. It will be great to win some money from the contest and buy something nice for her. Here I am to tell you that I am taking part to win $500 Cash and iPod Nano, this contest is held at Roseate Marketing Tips. This contest is based on points so the person who has the highest points will be the one to get away with $500 cash and iPod Nano!

How to earn points?

- Blog about the contest and link to home page of Roseate Marketing Tips - (5 points each site)

- Post any other blog post of Roseate Marketing Tips and link to it - (5 points each site)

- Stumble, digg, reddit, technorati, etc.. ie; bookmark this post at any social bookmark site (3 points each site)

- Bookmark any other post at any socialbookmark site (3 points each site)

- Add Roseate Marketing Tips blog to your blogroll (4 points)

- Comment at any of Roseate posts (not spam!) (3 points)

This contest will ends on 30 April, 2009. For more info just click on the link above.

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