Showing posts with label hyperactive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hyperactive. Show all posts

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Safety gate for baby

Do you think it is important to have safety gate at home? Some parents put them between the kitchen door, 1st floor of the house between walls of staircase. I have the safety gate put up at 1st floor between walls of staircase for my first child. I afraid of him fall down from stairs, he was a good boy.

For second child, my active boy his more active than his eldest brother. He's able to pull up the gate door by himself. He can open and shut it, though it is heavy! Sometimes he would scream for help as he wants to close the gate door.

Beware of safety gate for baby, you need to check whether the lock to wall is secure or not. Always checking to prevent accidents at home. There was a time my 8 years old open the gate door but he fell down, lucky he was opening for coming upstairs not going down stairs. The whole gate fell down on the floor and he's on top of it. It really shocked me for the moment, lucky he's alright no injury.

Always check the screw of the safety gate between walls, they can get loose sometimes. 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

My 29 months toddler

Wow look at my toddler, he's growing up and strong! He is super active at home, he can't sit still. He's over 17 kg, yeah too heavy for his weight. He knows to hold drinking from the glass and he wouldn't let go. I need to watch out for him, worry he'll spill it.

I stopped pump milk for him when he's 19 months old. I can't believe time fly, he's big boy now. To be frank, he's does not latch on breast so I have to pump all the time.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Breastfeeding VS Formula milk for baby

My toddler is going to be two year old this June, I last pumped milk when he was 19 months old. He's all the way mix feeding since he's baby, I didn't give up pump milk even though for the last of it there is only one ounce of milk for him.

He's different compared to his big bro, his big bro I breastfeeding hiim for three and half years. Big bro is exclusive breastfeeding since four month old baby. There is no pumping required that time, even though I have the breast pump and pump frequently when he is a baby. The mini electric breast pump of Medela lasted only until then, it's more expensive now to purchase.

I have given him the best breast milk, I couldn't give him more. He's on formula milk powder now, I am glad he's not particular of brand.

I can tell you breastfeeding is the best, you can save alot money from purchase formula milk powder. Best part is mommy's breastmilk you can never purchase it with money.

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