Showing posts with label health matter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health matter. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 13, 2019


GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd. (GSK Malaysia) on 12 November 2019 launched 

its Vaccinate for Life campaign in Malaysia to raise awareness and educate the public on

the importance of vaccinations and vaccine preventable diseases. Backed by a long 

standing legacy in Malaysia for the past 60 years, GSK a science-led global company with a 

purpose, through this campaign, aims to highlight the importance of vaccination throughout 


(L to R) Dr. Ashwini Saha (Vaccine Medical Director, GSK Malaysia), Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil (Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist), Dato’ Dr. Musa Mohd Nordin (Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist), Mr. David Lin (Communications & Government Affairs Director, GSK Malaysia) discuss the importance of vaccination for life.

Launched in conjunction with World Pneumonia Day underlining pneumonia as one the most common vaccine preventable diseases, the campaign demonstrates how vaccines in action can help protect the lives of children aged five and below. 

I am mom of two children, both having different time of schooling and tuition. I am glad I took time off to attend and witness this meaningful event.
The Media Launch of the ‘Vaccinate for Life’ campaign.

(L to R) Dr. Ashwini Saha, Dato’ Dr. Musa Mohd Nordin, Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil, Dr. Lien Pham (General Manager, GSK Malaysia) Mr. David Lin.

Pneumonia is today one of the leading causes of deaths in children, accounting for 18% of all deaths of children under five worldwide. Children under five years old are particularly susceptible to the disease especially those with compromised immune systems which may be weakened by malnutrition or undernourishment, especially in infants who are not exclusively breast-fed in spite of it being preventable and treatable in many cases3.

In Malaysia, pneumonia is listed as one of the top five causes of death according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia.,6 Pneumonia was the principal cause of death for the population aged 0 to 14 years in 2018 at 4.8 per cent.

Pneumonia, a lung infection, can be caused by different bacteria, viruses and even fungi. Pneumococcal disease, in either invasive or non-invasive forms, is an infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria (pneumococcus).1, Pneumococcus can cause various types of infections, some of which can be life-threatening.1 One of the most common causes of severe pneumonia is pneumococcus bacteria.2 Besides pneumonia, pneumococcus bacteria can also cause ear and sinus infections (non-invasive).1

‘Invasive’ pneumococcal bacteria can invade the bloodstream causing bloodstream infection (bacteremia) and meningitis (infection of the tissues and fluids covering the brain and spinal cord).1,2

Pneumonia is today one of the leading causes of deaths in children, accounting for 18% of all deaths of children under five worldwide. Children under five years old are particularly susceptible to the disease especially those with compromised immune systems which may be weakened by malnutrition or undernourishment, especially in infants who are not exclusively breast-fed in spite of it being preventable and treatable in many cases3.

In Malaysia, pneumonia is listed as one of the top five causes of death according to the Department of Statistics Malaysia.,6 Pneumonia was the principal cause of death for the population aged 0 to 14 years in 2018 at 4.8 per cent.

The incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) according to a 4-year study (2014 – 2017) was estimated at 3.8 per 100 000 cases each year in Malaysia in children aged five years and below.

While pneumococcal disease is a very serious illness, invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) is deadly as it is an invasive bacteria infection in children. Children under two years of age fall into the highest general risk group for IPD.

There are vaccines to prevent pneumococcal disease in children and adults.2 The introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) in many countries worldwide has helped to reduce infant deaths from pneumonia. Globally, while an estimated 71.3 million infants have received PCV, at the end of 2018, there were 55 million infants who still had no access to PCV.

“Next to clean drinking water, vaccination is the most powerful public health policy in preventing infectious diseases. We at GSK, believe that every child deserves access to vaccination. Through vaccination it has been demonstrated that diseases such as small pox can be eradicated. With improving healthcare policies and access we will continue to see the elimination of mortality and morbidity due to infectious diseases,” said Dr. Ashwini Saha, Vaccine Medical Director, GSK Malaysia.
Dr. Ashwini Saha (Vaccine Medical Director, GSK Malaysia) presenting at the media launch of the ‘Vaccinate for Life’ campaign.

GSK’s Vaccinate for Life campaign, launched in conjunction with World Pneumonia Day on 12 November, was attended by Dato’ Dr. Musa Mohd Nordin, Consultant Paediatrician and Neonatologist, Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil, Consultant Paediatrician and Paediatric Cardiologist, Dr. Lien Pham, General Manager, GSK Malaysia and Mr. David Lin, Communications & Government Affairs Director, GSK Malaysia.

With a 60 year footprint in healthcare in Malaysia, GSK remains committed to their patient focus values reiterated by Vaccinate for Life with a two-fold objective :
  • To provide information on vaccine preventable diseases to the public to support them to make informed decisions on their healthcare.
  • To highlight the importance of vaccinating throughout one’s life.

We truly support the Ministry of Health’s call for children to be vaccinated against pneumococcal disease. We certainly welcome the much-awaited news on the inclusion of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) into the National Immunisation Programme (NIP),” said Mr. David Lin.
Mr. David Lin explains the Vaccinate for Life Campaign and its objective.

“GSK’s Vaccinate for Life campaign extends beyond just a call for vaccination against pneumonia and IPD. Vaccination doesn’t stop at childhood as it helps give children a healthy start in life. It is not something you outgrow as vaccination is needed throughout one’s life to protect against preventable diseases and to prevent diseases from spreading in the community, ” explained Mr. David Lin.

As one of the leading manufacturers of vaccines, GSK has 41 vaccines globally to help protect people at every stage of life, from childhood right through to adolescence, pregnancy and beyond for example vaccines that protect against pneumococcal and HPV. In Malaysia, GSK’s wide range of vaccines encompasses 12 vaccines indicated for children, eight for adolescents and another eight for adults and the healthy ageing population.
Dato’ Dr. Musa Mohd Nordin speaking during the panel discussion

Emphasising the importance of vaccination, Dato’ Dr. Musa shared, “As we age, our immune system does too. This makes us vulnerable to life-threatening diseases. By strengthening our immune system with vaccination through scheduled administration of vaccines, we can certainly protect ourselves and those closest to us and eventually help save lives. The vaccinations we receive as children can certainly protect us from life-threatening or debilitating diseases and lays the foundation for a stronger immunity later in life.”
Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil speaking during the panel discussion.

Dr. Yong Junina Fadzil added, “There is a huge misconception about vaccinations and its implications on a child’s health. On-going education, collaborations with healthcare professionals as well as affirmative action by policymakers can change people’s mindsets. The Government’s move to include the pneumococcal vaccine into the NIP is indeed laudable and it exemplifies the importance of getting children vaccinated against this infectious disease. Just like regular exercise and a healthy diet, diligently keeping to a scheduled vaccination programme is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Ensuring the health of our children will ensure the health of our nation.”

Lets spread the awareness of this campaign. Sharing is caring, as not everyone aware of this though its already on the news.

Consult your healthcare professional on vaccination against pneumonia and pneumococal disease today.

About GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceutical Sdn. Bhd.

GSK – a science-led global healthcare company with a special purpose: to help people do more, feel better, live longer through vaccines, medicines and consumer healthcare products that is founded in research and development. Backed by its 300-year legacy of helping transform the health, lives and future of millions of people around the world, today, GSK operates in more than 150 countries including major research and development centres in the United Kingdom, the United States, Spain, Belgium and China. Their presence in Malaysia spans over 60 years. For further information, visit

Friday, August 1, 2014

Taman Tasik Permaisuri 9 September 2014

If you like to know more about the date 9 September 2014, click on the date to find out.

Happy TGIF, happy weekends to you.

I didn't know that today is children's party day at son's tuition center. He didn't go yesterday as my parents were here to have lunch with us. I am sad to find out that my mom's blood sugar is very high, dad has been warn not to give her too much sweet. Yeah my mom loves the sweetness of 3 in 1 white coffee, no matter what brand I have let her tried, she prefers that sweetness and smell. She dislike coffee without sweet. Now she has to learn to reduce eat rice and also sugar.

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