Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label handmade. Show all posts

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Little Vive Green Market @The Parenthood, Sunway Pyramid

Good evening, March School Holidays almost over did you have a great time with family? Yesterday afternoon I spend family time with my kids and bloggers at The Parenthood. I attended the event about Little Vive Green Market. Many activities on the day for the children during the weekend at The Parenthood, Sunway Pyramid. The day was fun as get to see the farmer market, food-drinks stalls, art and craft, artisan product workshop, story teller to kids before the school holidays end.

 It's interesting event to knows about the Little Vive Green Market,  where vendors share about their products. All products are made of organic and environmental friendly that is healthy for children and adult.
Some vendors sharing their product and giving out the dark chocolate samples to try.
Be Bold in The Parenthood, Sunway Pyramid
  Indeed a great experience day for me to know about the local farmers and also their products. We have tried the food sampling on the spot too. Little Vive Green Market starts on 25 March 2017 and ended today. Don't worry if you have missed out the Little Vive Green Market, you can still find most of the products in Be Bold at The Parenthood, Sunway Pyramid West.

Great gift ideas for chocolate lovers - dark chocolate I love it! You can opt online shop Facebook Vive Snack.

For owl fans, many handmade products of cute owls shapes

Being Malaysian, we can't leave without the chili garlic, I like the taste of it. 
You can find this on Daily's chili garlic.
Great gift ideas for moms and even busy parents.

If you like the above set, on left is the MommyJ  Starter Kit, it is nice a gift set too. With varies of organic mushroom in the jar namely organic mushroom, organic amaranth, natural kombu, premium scallop, premium whitebait, premium anchovy. How about vegie pasta from Foodies with Love? Handmade soap for loved ones? I like the lemongrass smell.
The Husklife Malaysia's Jr.Spoon you can see on above photo it is made from rice husk fibre.
You can visit the Be Bold shop in The Parenthood or online shopping at 

Group photo with parenting bloggers and Vive Green Market organiser

Don't forget you can visit the Vive Green Market on Facebook and instagram @vivegreenmarket

If you like to view more photos, do check out my album at Facebook Fan page, click on the link to view. The Parenthood is a fun place for kids and adults, it is located at the 1st Floor, Sunway Pyramid West, Sunway Pyramid. I usually walked through Padini store to go there.

 It's indeed a good day for the kids where they have good time playing in The Parenthood then we headed to the Lillipilli Cafe for dinner. My sons have spaghetti, the drink you see above is rootbeer float. I have the roasted grilled chicken for dinner. Lillipilli serves nice pastries, coffee and nasi lemak chicken rendang. They also do catering for big and small events, if you like to know more can visit their Facebook page.
My sons ate all my french fries.

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Nature's Paradise soap

So cute these Nature's Paradise soap by Fong Love Art, the parcel of Poslaju inside is nicely wrapped with papers to protect the handmade soaps. The 3 soaps design all geranium soaps, it smell very nice. In fact, once open the parcel of I can already smell it. 
Nice gift packs for loved ones, look each soap is sealed and with a wrapper gift.
 These Nature's Paradise soap, they are made by Fong Love Art, 
the ingredients are: 
shea butter, sweet almond oil, glycerine, olive oil, coconut oil, palm oil, castor oil, lemongrass essential oil. 

Suitable to use on hands and body wash.
The three geranium soaps are made with love into shapes of Hello Kitty, Leaf design and Rectangle design. For your info the handmade soaps of this three designs are the most hot selling soaps designs.
 The Hello Kitty soap is RM5
The Leave soap is RM15 
For two pieces soap above mention if purchase both is RM25. 
The geranium bar soap is slightly bigger a piece RM12

Don't just read here if you have interest to purchase for loved ones, find Fong With Love. It's best to early booking with for handmade soaps if you plan to purchase in bulk for parties or events.

Monday, June 15, 2015

CHT Sabun Ajaib Bar Soap product review

How's everyone today, today I am going to share you on CHT Sabun Ajaib, this is a handmade bar soap. For your info this is CHT Best Seller Bamboo Vine-Mint Handmade Soap.
After opening the package of CHT Sabun Ajaib, there's another sealed of soap you'll need to open it.
The product is sealed to ensure it's quality of the soap.

This soap has best formulation it's suitable for use on pimples, acne, pigmentation, blackhead, whitening, pore clogging, balancing skin oil, odor most type of problematic skin diseases, itching, inflammation, dandruff, hair loss problem, cracked nipples, skin allergies, sunburn, skin infections, disinfection, anti-bacterial, acne scars, shrink pores, redness, soothing hemorrhoid, swelling, moisturizing, mental fatigue and refreshing the spirit etc.

I am using this soap for my face and body, I can see that my back acne on my body has reduced. My dear also has this soap in his restroom, he's been using it for his face and body too. He told me that his favourite part of this soap is he's feeling refreshing and smell of this soap.  

Best to use this soap after active sports; swimming, cycling, marathon, badminton, etc.
How to use?
  1. Lather and wait for 1 to 2 minutes before rinse off
  2. If skin or hair still oily, repeat once.
  3. For problematic or disease skin, 1st wash rinse off then 2nd wash leave on for 1 to 2 mins before rinsing off.

Please take note the following:

  1. If you have chronic allergy to peppermint or vinegar, do not use this soap.
  2. Must finish using soap within 1 month after opening. If not, put the soap in air tight container after use, minus the water. This is to ensure the freshness quality of the soap.
  3. Do not use if the safety seal is broken.
  4. There is a possibility of 1st time user encounter itchiness during 1st bath. Please re-leather for 2nd time. Its due to body detoxification. If problem persist after 2nd or 3rd trial, stop using.

Above is the sample of Million Balm Ajaib (MBA), I bring this to Genting Highland.
It's small palm because this is a sample I received.

Best formulation:
  • Itchiness
  • Skin disease
  • Headache
  • Insects bite
  • toothache
  • Hard skin 
  • Cuts
  • Chapped lips
  • Mosquitoe bite
  • Blocked nose
  • Burns
  • Cracked heel
  • Athlete's foot
  • Ulcer
  • Eczema
  • Soothing Hermorrhoid
  • Mosquitoe repellent
How to use?
It's advisable to use CHT Sabun Ajaib before using applying this MBA generously to the affected area.

For more information on the CHT Sabun Ajaib, click on the link above.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Window shopping

So what do you do when you are in the mall? I would check out some outlet so I spotted this cute top. The attraction of handmade beads lead me to try out this top, what do you think of it? RM39 for this top, I didn't purchase as I am just window shopping at the mall.

I pick out the size that I can fit in, yeah this top size 18/20.

The necklace I'm wearing is pink heart necklace.
I wore the pearl drop earrings.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Night@Citta Mall

Last Saturday evening was a busy day for us, I started making son's red cape before the Halloween. We lost his red cape in the GSC Cinema in Summit USJ, the day we watched Turbo. Dear was using phone to Skype with mom in law during the queue to go for trick o treat. Above pictures taken using my Samsung S3 phone.

Above is the picture of my son in Devil makeup, I did for him and he's very happy about it. I also draw the shirt of I love Citta Mall. I used the red KFC recycled bag for him to wear as Devil. He likes it if there is no red face and moustache makeup and horns, he would be like Wreck It Ralph. Anyway he didn't win the Halloween Costume Contest. They were over 100 children take part in this contest, the number up to 125 children if not mistaken.

We saw many witches in the night! I followed son for the trick o treat, it feels like amazing race.

The night we meet up with the rovers again. :D

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

RM20 beads sandal@Mydin USJ

This morning I head to Mydin for grocery shopping. I am happy to tell you, today is my happy day. Look at my haul, oh well just one pair of sandals not all above picture!

Can you guess which pair of sandals I bought? My sister-in-law saw this picture and says the pink look nice. :D Anyway that's not my choice.

I shop for comfort shoes not just the design and style. I saw a pair of sandals exact same one pair belong my sister-in-law. The price is RM20 here but she purchased for RM59.90.

You can find the shoes selling near the main entrance of Mydin USJ. I am not sure how long they will be there. I asked the staff and he said maybe for two weeks, he's not sure.

I was eyeing on the beads sandal before I start my grocery shopping in Mydin. I am happy after shopping groceries in Mydin, the shoes still there. :D

Which of the above sandals do you like?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Specialy handmade for son's teacher

I took time to do this for my son's teacher, next will be Teacher's Parent Day and this handmade by me will be present for the Teacher. Okay the picture is upside down so you probably don't see the Teacher's name. This is son's teacher asking for a small gift nothing expensive she said, so I decided to make this piece just for her. :D

Tomorrow need to bring my baby to see doctor, he's having cough and mild flu. I have called up this morning for appointment tomorrow morning to see the doctor. I am starting to feel like coughing, everyone else in the family are coughing too.

I love playing with the letter beads, problem is they don't have all the letters in same colour. There's one sad news to share suppose I thought I have won two passes to go Legoland but sadly this is just a dream. My name no longer on the list because they remove the 11 names on the lists. Yeah I am among the other ten other names that been remove.

I haven't make any plan for this school holiday, how about you?

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pink pouch from AZT COLLECTIONS

I love handmade bags and pouch, I am happy to receive the parcel today. I am one of the four lucky winners, I won this pink pouch from AZT COLLECTIONS. You can click on the link to see many wonderful handmade bags, pouch, baby comforter and more.

I love pink so much and I am so happy to have this pouch, no kidding I am going to put things I love inside. I love the strawberry charm on the zip, everyone knows this is from AZT COLLECTION because there is a cute signed at corner of the pouch.

If you love handmade bags like me don't forget to visit this blog now.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy Belated Teachers Day

I created this just for the Teachers Day, I asked my boy to gave them to his teachers. Each is unique and handmade by me, each is different and these are bracelets for four lovely Teachers.

The bracelets has got dolphin, clay flower, sewing machine, hand, butterfly and so on.

Mommies have you got present for your children's teachers?

Last year I gave my son's teacher, Avon perfume and white pouch.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Another Contest First Giveaway

This giveaway is open to blogger with address in Malaysia, to take part just click on the image above.

Giveaway ends on 30 April, 2012.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Handmade necklace

I love handmade necklace and the blue and white you are looking at belongs to my mom. Finally it is broken and I cannot repair it. My mom likes this necklace very much; I made it when I was teenager about 14 years old that time.

Now I have the new necklace for mom the sea shell necklace which I always forgot to give her. She is getting old and staying at nursing home. I miss her very much; I bump into her the other day while I have my follow up with doctor. Guess what we are seeing the same doctor! My dad has no idea until I inform him on the phone. It is my first follow up with the doctor but for my mom must have been many times.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Handmade necklace on my doll

The lovely necklace that I first made for my mom is now on my pink Baby Wanna Walk doll. I still have this doll with me, can you believe it that I kept in the box for over 15 years. The still in good shape but I don't know if it still work if put on the battery.

My mom wear the necklace even in the shower, the handmade necklace by me is made of beads. My hobby is making jewellery but I don't it full time. I show my mom the doll and she remembers that I own this doll. Mom is getting old and she is forgetful, some things I mention she cannot remember at all. I even told her about my classmates but she cannot recall any of them.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy wekends to you

This is new which I made, it is wrapped wire I need try wrap more often so I can make them look nice. It is early morning here and the sun is coming out, how's your day?

I want to say happy weekends to you, I need to get some rest soon as I not able to sleep. I am feeling hungry now I am thirsty too. I have a water bottle in room that I can drink at night. I am scare of dark sometimes but I still like horror movies.

One day I walked into the kitchen at night something walk pass me, there is rat in the kitchen. Oh I don't like rats, I need to trap them. I try cover up the toilet bowl but rats have other way to get into kitchen. The kitchen is maintained clean but the neighbour not, they throw out fish bone out their window. I know they feeding the stray cats. They even throw out the fish head that not yet cook, this is smelly just make you want to throw up.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Giveaway by Tote Boutique

I am sure you know that I love handmade items and now let's take part in Giveaway by Tote Boutique this blog belongs to sis As. Just give name for this new bag created by sis As. The lucky winner will wins this pretty handmade bag by As.

I name this bag Anggun Bunga, this bag is elegant, graceful and attractive in many ways you see it. This pretty bag has the pretty designer cotton of flowers, see it yourself to believe it.

Giveaway ends on 25 Aug, 2010. To take part just click on above link. Good luck. 

You can see more handmade bags by click on the banner below.

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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Happy Ramadhan to all Muslim friends

Here to say Happy Ramadhan to all Muslim friends.

Today got the wonderful parcel from DoubleNOR's Creative, so many handmade bags to choose from. Yeah above my handmade sling bags which I prefer the LV and Strawberry fabrics. You can see wonderful handmade bags by click on banner below.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

I won earrings and there is giveaway

I love giveaway and contest and I just found out that I won earrings from mommyko from Yashiro contest. She made me this pretty pearl earrings, I was also her 2nd top commentator for April at her blog and she sent me some goodies. I am also her 2nd top commentator for May, 2010.

Below you can see the points I gained from Yashiro's contest, I am at the 4th place with 137 points. 

Now don't forget my giveaway at, six wonderful Prize for a winner. Giveaway ends tomorrow night.


Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Just to share with you of what I made recently. Does the above pendant looks a word D to you?

Anyway some info to share with you that my friend is taking some kind of juice that says to drink healthy. I don't know what to say as they often listen to what people said good and they will give a try. She told me after taking the juice she has terrible stomach pain, she told her mom about it and she told her that it is like that so continue take it.

I don't know what type of juice is that but in the market it is selling a bottle MYR$60 and member price MYR$30. FYI, I don't take the juice as I don't want try at all.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Flowery cell phone charm

Yeah as I am still in need of help in the contest I have just create the cell phone charm. What do you think of them?

By the window, it is sunny day! It's going to be busy me in the contest which based on points again. Tired but still I need to work for it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More ribbon necklace

Just to show you off some ribbon necklace, the wild green is on the first picture. The second picture has two ribbon necklace, you can click the picture to see closer. Now the different of the second picture just to let you see the length difference as one is fully clasp on the last extension.

Going to post them up at jewelry blog soon.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Can't get enough of it

Beside blogging I also take time to make the jewellery, so you are looking at the earrings that I made this morning. It was my last minute decision as I also made the pendant to match the earrings.

I am thinking to dye my hair but I put them on hold as I am thinking how I would look like it I put blond colour. LOL

A moment ago I saw a blogger wearing blond wig.

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