Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earrings. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

For April Giveaway

This is special month which is April giveaway, it is forth month of the year. So I have 4 items for this giveaway. Prize for April Giveaway.

Bio-essence Royal Jelly + ATP trial kit worth RM35.90
Ducky in shower
All this for one winner, are you the one?

How to take part this giveaway?

Be GFC Follower on this blog OR
Subscribe to my blog at side bar, verified your email address OR
Follow my blog on networkedblogs OR
Follow me on twitter @Sherrygo

To get start with this giveaway, you can choose one of the steps to do below:

you can blog this giveaway on your blog with image and link to this post.


Tweet about your taking part in this giveaway link to this post. Don't forget to tag me @sherrygo


Share this giveaway on your Facebook account and link to this post.

Leave a comment with the link you posted on tweet, FB or blog post.

How to win the April Giveaway?
Be April Top Commentator for this month. It is month of April so comments on April 2014 only counts!
Get start try comment as much comments as you can to be April Top Commentator.

April Top Commentator ends on 30 April,2014 midnight Malaysia time.

Giveaway open to my follower with valid address in Malaysia for postage of prize.

Don't forget that having giveaway too. :D

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Window shopping

So what do you do when you are in the mall? I would check out some outlet so I spotted this cute top. The attraction of handmade beads lead me to try out this top, what do you think of it? RM39 for this top, I didn't purchase as I am just window shopping at the mall.

I pick out the size that I can fit in, yeah this top size 18/20.

The necklace I'm wearing is pink heart necklace.
I wore the pearl drop earrings.

Monday, March 31, 2014

March Top Commentator Giveaway

Here comes the March Top Commentator Giveaway, it is lovely bow heart bracelet and a pair of crown heart earrings. All this for one Top Commentator of this March. 

To take part this commentating contest, you need to be GFC Follower on this blog or follow networked blogs or be Google+ Followers. You can find them all at the left bars of this blog. 

By the way there's giveaway at don't forget to take part, you never know if you are one of the lucky winner to win the awesome prize! 

Now I haven't forget to mention the winner of Feb Top Commentator. So let's take look what the score for my Feb commentator last month.

  1. Kelly Chin 2 comments 
  2. tan kim - 1 comment
  3. ika zulkefli - 4 comments
  4. Syuhada Salleh - 2 comments
  5. Wendy Pua - 1 comment
  6. Miss Anonymous- 11 comments
  7. Ella Suhaila - 2 comments
  8. 5 little angels - 2 comments
  9. Ena Amir - 3 comments
  10. Iriene - 101 comments
  11. Lavender - 1 comment
Winners goes to Iriene, she gained 101 comments in Feb 2014. Please email your full name, address and contact number to

Currently my GFC has 202 followers, 26 on networked blogs and 52 on Google + Followers. 

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Haul of dinosaur earrings and more

Here's my haul of earrings, I can't help it. I found the lovely dinosaur earrings in Forever 21. This set I am holding cost RM9, since I have double pierce ears it's nice for me to wear both different dinosaur earrings. My toddler saw my earrings, he tried to pull it off. He none stop saying dinosaur.

My boys love playing dinosaur toys, now I have my very own dinosaur earrings. I find them unique!

Diva is nice place to shop during sales, I am sharing the Diva earrings with my mom.

Just for you info, I found these cute earrings in One Utama!

I can't believe it but I got lost three times driving to One Utama shopping centre. I didn't remember whether to go through tunnel or not. Yeah my first turn was towards the traffic lights, it was wrong turn and I ended up in Tropicanal City. But they this wrong turn make me realize how to go Tropicanal City Mall. I haven't got there by myself before.


Friday, November 22, 2013

Movember Giveaway@MMB

I am loving the month of November, it's also my birthday month. I am going to have this awesome Movember Giveaway, which one winner can win the above Prize.

Prize consists of
1. Clinelle skin care set
2. Mustache earrings
3. iSpring foot peeling mask *click the link to view*


How to take part Movember Giveaway?

  1. Be GFC Follower of this My Mom's Best blog.
  2. Blog this giveaway with banner above and link to this post.
  3. Tag three friends in your post, make sure they know of this giveaway.
  4. If your blog has 100 followers, you earn extra 10 points. 200 followers for 20 points, 300 followers for 30 points. *Do comment if you have extra points*
  5. Add My Mom's Best to your blog roll *10 points*
  6. Add that blog 4 me to your blog roll *10 points*
  7. Add my travel blog to your blog roll *10 points*
  8. Add namesherry to your blog roll *10 points*
  9. Add sherryshopping to your blog roll *10 points*
  10. Add what every gal want to your blog roll *10 points* Do comment if you have extra points

Example comment:

GFC: sherrygo
blog link:
extra point: 20 for 230 followers, 60 points for blogs

If I have reached 20 participants to take part in this giveaway, I will add another prize for second winner. *Prize may not be the same*

Giveaway ends on 22 November 2013 at 12 midnight Malaysia time.

Winner will be chosen using Come back this blog to find out if you are winner, winner is given 48 hours to email else I choose another winner.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Happy to see my mom today

Today I am happy to see my mom as I have not seen her over a month, I miss her so much and manage to pass her the earrings that she told she prefers. The handmade earrings by me hand to her earlier to dad but my dad keeps it not giving to my mom. I passed the earrings personally to her and she wear them immediately, the earrings that given by my sister to her missing so she not wearing any earrings.

Sometimes I am having financial problem but I don't want my parents to worry of me. I know that my dad is helping my sisters, one sister is a nun another sister is working unstable jobs. My another sister has gone for surgery before and lucky to have my brother and dad to support her hospital bill. I was sicked earlier and I was at the emergency hospital to check for my health and it also cost me nearly USD$70. Health is everything if you don't have health there will be many things cannot do. My mom cannot go holiday because she is not in good condition, she fells from slippery floor and she also hurt her head and back. My dad took her to see doctor and medical check up. I am not so happy as family that the family member is separate from one another. I know my mom wants all children to live under one roof, it is not possible as everyone has different dream and aim in life. She is most heartache when my sister told her that she is becoming nun.

Life is short and every day is priceless, be there with your loved one. If you are far away a call also will be good as loved one can listen to your voice.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mommy this for you

My mom told me that she needs new earrings, the earrings given by my sister to her one side of the earring missing. She wants new earrings and she told me she likes orange colour, she saw mine which is purple colour.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

I won earrings and there is giveaway

I love giveaway and contest and I just found out that I won earrings from mommyko from Yashiro contest. She made me this pretty pearl earrings, I was also her 2nd top commentator for April at her blog and she sent me some goodies. I am also her 2nd top commentator for May, 2010.

Below you can see the points I gained from Yashiro's contest, I am at the 4th place with 137 points. 

Now don't forget my giveaway at, six wonderful Prize for a winner. Giveaway ends tomorrow night.


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