Showing posts with label dragon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dragon. Show all posts

Monday, June 9, 2014

How to the Dragon 2 movie review

If you have watched the part of How to train the dragon, you will enjoy the second part of this movie. As we all know we never seen Hiccup's mommy. This time we get to see her, it's a joy to see the family reunion. Hiccup's mom knows so much of dragons, she even told him that toothless is same age as Hiccup, that's why they are best friends/best buddies. Hiccup is 20 years old now, the first movie he was 15 years old. But something happened which makes Hiccup very mad at his dragon. We were sad too seeing this part of the movie, it wasn't toothless fault, the bigger dragon were controlling his mind.

Many more dragons in this movie, the bigger dragon of them all. I saw two of them, one black colour another in white colour. The two bigger dragon will battle and who will win?! Let's not spoil you mood to watch the movie, go ahead to watch and find out.

Tonight we watched the movie at Hall 1, TGV Cinema Sunway Pyramid. I bought two tickets just son and me to watch before I go for vacation on this weekend.

We enjoy the movie from start to the end, son none stop telling me about the dragons and about their injuries.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Smaug the dragon is awake!

Yesterday night we head to TGV Cinema in Sunway Pyramid for the Hobbit 2. First to say the parking ticket cost RM8, it was a long night but we are happy that we watched enjoy the movie. Mother and son watching Hobbit 2 together, son's excited to watch it. We watched in Cinema 4, 3D glasses in hand.

If you have seen The Hobbit, I am sure you don't want to lose chance to watch The Hobbit desolation of smaug. How the burglar going to escape from the dragon?

Son haven't watch LOTR, I think he should watch it. He will understand more about the ring in the movie. I mean the power of the ring, where everyone is calling it precious!

Next movie with son will be Walking with the Dinosaur!

I think both of us last saw movie using 3D glasses was Pacific Rim.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Dragon bag 2012 with freebies

I am sure you love freebies, I never forgot of this dragon bag 2012 that I first purchased from a supermarket. I have family members that like to drink Super White Coffee, I like the Super Soy drink so yummy and delicious. This dragon bag comes with a DVD too and we enjoy listen to the music, my sister-in-law playing this almost every morning my baby boy so enjoy and jumping excited to see.

Above you see is the contains which taken out from the red dragon back. This bag is cute too, it is suitable for children and adult to use.

Did anyone of you grab this set during the Chinese New Year?

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