Showing posts with label bear series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bear series. Show all posts

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Scholastic books: Bear series giveaway

Parenting is never easy and time to get your kids to build interest in reading, now let's check out the Scholastic books giveaway. If you love to own this bear series, now there's chance as I am having giveaway today.

Three lucky winners for this giveaway, you can either with to read The Very Brave Bear, you can view my book review on this by click on the link.

Each winner gets to bring home a book of bear! That mean you are winning a book yeah, not the full series. :D

The bear series namely 
The Very Brave Bear, as above link.
The Very Cranky Bear
The Hungry Bear 
The Very Itchy Bear

Easy to take part this giveaway, 

Complete the tasks below
1, Like my Facebook page of
2. Follow this blog on GFC or follow this blog on networkedblogs 
3. Follow me on instagram sherrygo
4. Follow me on twitter @sherrygo
5. Why you want to win Scholastic books: bear series giveaway? 
6. Leave your email address, your GFC or networkedblogs, instagram account, twitter account, FB account, and why you want to win.. 

Don't forget to leave comment on this post, first three followers of my blog that complete the task win the book. 
Giveaway open to my blog followers with valid address in Malaysia. 

1. Kylie Wenn
2. JLBuzzBee
3 Suzlin

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