Showing posts with label Malaysian culture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malaysian culture. Show all posts

Friday, September 18, 2015

First-Ever PLAY-DOH Month Celebration

My boys are very happy to get to play together. They love PLAY-DOH, let's see what can they do with the play them.

A theme for them to play would be
"Shape a Colourful Community".

PLAY-DOH is fun and no limit to your imagination, you can play with your children. 
It can be a tool to encourage learning and experimentation, it's hard to beat PLAY-DOH -
through hands on, structured play and encouragement children can learn many skills, from recognizing shapes and colors. 
Learn how to mix and blend, and even social and intellectual skills such as
collaboration and problem-solving.

My sons busy opening the PLAY-DOH cans
Who want to win some PLAY-DOH prizes?
Read on to find out where you can win.

Some creations of PLAY-DOH that we enjoy making together.

Pumpkin and Banana, hehe.. there goes the purple Minion with bananas in mouth.

What's in the making by my son?
School holiday soon, have you plan for any family plans?

My son enjoying himself in this Friday's evening.
Above we play together to make fruits we can buy in Malaysia.
Durian, Mangosteen, Banana, Mango, Grapes, Papaya, Oranges, Strawberry
Hello- I love Malaysia

Don't forget to mark your calendar for next Saturday. PLAY DOH Day roadshow is on 26 September 2015 from 10am onwards at HighStreet New Wing, 1 Utama Shopping Center.

You can bring your children to join The Malaysia Book of Records for the most PLAY-DOH sculptures created in a day on September 26, and a successful attempt will see your PLAY-DOH creations on display for all Malaysians to admire, with the most sculptures winning exciting PLAY-DOH prizes. 

Let's take part together to set a new Malaysia Book of Records for creating the most number of sculptures that be represent colorful and heart warming Malaysian culture and way of life.

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