Showing posts with label Magic Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Magic Blue. Show all posts

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Magic blue nail polish@Sasa

I like to keep my nail long but somehow it gets back to short. I seldom keeps my finger nail long, do you have long nail or short nail. Two weeks from now I am going for the Down syndrome check for my pregnancy. I still put on nail polish for my nails and toes.

The nail polish you are looking at my nails I applied the Magic Blue nail polish that I purchase from Sasa sometimes ago. You can click on the link to see more pictures, being part time blogger now there is so much to do in life.

Now I find out why there are so many cars at Subang Parade because they are worker parking there and walk over to Empire Shopping Gallery to work. There are Sasa outlets at Subang Parade and Empire Shopping Gallery. During lunch time, you can never find parking space at Subang Parade, I tried looking over 15 minutes and I was charge RM1.50 even though I cannot find the parking slot for my car.

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