Last Saturday morning, mother and son were excited to attend the LetzHop Sesame Street English Learning Program. My son attended the the branch in Damansara Utama Branch (Damansara Uptown) located at No. 64A, 1st Floor, Jalan SS21/56, Damansarara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor. For your info, the branch is located at corner lot, the PapaRich's upstair.
LetzHop Eduspace Sdn Bhd brings to Malaysia, Sesame Street English – a comprehensive learning platform that caters to teaching children English. Designed by the non-profit educational group behind the iconic children’s TV series Sesame Street; the Sesame Workshop goes beyond just academic learning by focusing on creating a curriculum that addresses learning by encompassing all aspects of your child’s growth.
Each child is greeted upon entering class in true Sesame Street style with a lot of laughter and a large dose of fun. My son and other children go into the class and learn, with the familiar faces of their favourite furry muppet characters. Elmo, Big Bird, Cookie Monster and the whole Sesame Street family are present in every aspect of the course from classrooms, from the wallpaper, the uniform, teaching exercises and even on the worksheets, everything has been officially licensed and comes directly imported from the Sesame Street Workshop.
The offered programs are suitable for children from age of 3 year to 12 years old.
Children enjoy themselves as you can see in the picture. Short video clip in
instagram sherrygo,
Sesame Street English began as a simple idea in the United States to teach children through television and 40 years later is a worldwide educational phenomenon that has reached millions of children in more than 150 countries. Each programme is specifically tailored to the unique needs of children based on their country, culture and local educators, the Sesame Street English programme has produced sustainable quantifiable results. "Using today’s technology, Sesame Street English represents the evolution of the interactive learning experience, and engages and provides children with the opportunity to enjoy focused lessons that will build the foundation for English proficiency” - Sesame Workshop

The key mission of the Sesame Workshop is to harness the educational power of media to help children everywhere reach their highest potential. Classes are taught through media interaction with an emphasis on content learning, in the same way that the mother tongue is taught. Focusing on doing more than just ABCs and 123s, Sesame Street English allows the children to be able to interact with the Sesame Street characters via multimedia devices as well as through songs, dance and traditional academic worksheets. All of course outfitted with the names, faces and culture of Sesame Street.
The LetzHop Sesame Street branch is carpeted so children just need to remove their shoes to put in the colorful shoes rack that is near this wall of World map and 7 Continents.
Yeah there's a nice Ernie & Bert's Reading Area, below picture some reading material to show you.
I can say kids fall in love to reading their favourite characters of Sesame Street.
Wall of fame in one of the class, yeah it's all childrens' artwork.Can you spot the Cookie Monster?
The environment, the characters and materials all work towards establishing a high impact productive environment that goes beyond just learning how to read and write. The Sesame Street characters become lifelong friends that will be there to teach, learn and guide your child through all the critical development points of their early years.
Things that I believe parents will not have their children messing up with colors.
It's alright you can do it in LetzHop Sesame Street, look how each child is having great time with each other.
Above Puan Sarini Bujang, Principle of LetzHop, Damansara Uptown Branch. She explains of what color being used and also it is alright to be messy because they are having fun painting activities. The children were pointing on the right color to use? Hehe.. it's fun also to test the children to see if they are paying attention in the class.
Working together with like-minded foundations such as LetzHopTM has been the critical link in continuing the growth of the Sesame Workshop. LetzHopTM is set to bring the Malaysian edutainment market to the next level with the introduction of Sesame Street English; the class brings a new take on interactive entertainment so that children grow to learn that education and fun go hand in hand.
Pretty creative artwork activities done by the children.
The lessons covered from developing the foundation of English language through expose to language via songs, chants, videos and other fun, child friendly activities to complex content such as reading, writing, grammar and several relevant aspects via a smartboard. As above my son was looking for the book, it was fun for the children as they took turn to try finding the book. The smartboard is a touch screen device.
Can you guess the song they are going to sing? Scroll down this post to find the video clip of the song.
Puan Aishah Abdul Rahman, Executive Director of Letzhop Eduspace Sdn Bhd says “Malaysia is a tri-lingual country with the main language being Malay, but English remains an important part of our lives. The Sesame Street English programme aims to not only teach but inspire and give children the confidence to speak English as a native speaker. This unique programme that combines education and entertainment is the right formula that gives high impact of a productive learning that excites and keeps children coming back for more”.
Sesame Street Elmo with my son
Group photo with fellow mommy Cynthia, Nannie, Ayu, and Rane.
Group photo of children with Sesame Street Elmo, happy day for them. My son is happy attended the trial class in Damansara Uptown, Letzhop Eduspace Sdn Bhd. If you have any inquiry give them a call at 012-988 5060
The Sesame Street English: Goodbye Song that every kid enjoy.
Right now the Sesame Street Workshop has expanded around Asia to Japan, China, Taiwan and now Malaysia.
LetzHop Eduspace was founded as a subsidiary under MMSC Ventures Sdn Bhd, one of Malaysia’s most established e-Learning solutions provider in Malaysia. Endorsed by the Ministry of Education and Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor, each centre is required to have professional teachers with a Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) certificate or a diploma in English or Education. The company has grown quickly over the year and now boasts 6 centres in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor and are planning to open more around Malaysia over the course of the next year.